Friday, October 9, 2009


I've spent the majority of my day reading blogs of other CFers and they have been such an inspiration, so I thought I would start a blog devoted to my CF life in hopes of returning the favor to others.  And maybe this blog can bring some peace in my life, and help me to grow emotionally with issues that I have been ignoring for many years.  Cheers to tears, and loving life! 

Here is a little bit about myself that you might find interesting.

I am 26 years old, living vivaciously with Cystic Fibrosis.  I am a scientist and look at my disease through the eyes of a doctor and not necessarily as a patient.  I consider myself to be outspoken, especially when it comes to my condition, and take an active role in daily regimens of treatment.  I hope to inspire others, especially those younger than me with CF, to make it understood that the world is still at your fingertips, and that normalcy is only what you make it to be.

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